Hi guys,
In this tutorial I'm going to show you how to create this miniature pickle jar.You can easily find these type of tiny bottles online - amazon, ebay etc. in reasonable prices.I honestly love those bottles as you can do so much with them!
You can put tiny polymer clay creations in, pour a little bit of sand as a summer holidays keepsake,put small dried flower from a very special bouquet...
But today I'm going to show you how to transform this little bottle into pickles jar.As it has got a cork closure you can easily attach eyepin into it and transform your creation to necklace pendant, keychain or earring.So let's jump into the tutorial.
- polymer clay in light and dark green
- miniature glass bottles
- resin/epoxy
- toothpicks
- dotting tool
- piece of fabric
- twine
Prepare ligh & dark green shade.I'm mixing blue and yellow to achieve these natural colors.

Start by rolling out both light and dark green clay & cutting out rectangles

You want to connect both pieces by placing on the other.

Now roll it out...

...and fold it in half.
You want to repeat rolling & folding until you get nice blend effect.
Fold it and squeeze to reduce the size.

Use razor to cut out small rectangle.
Now use your fingers to shape a pickle.
Texture it with dotting tool.
Use needle tool or just a toothpick to add dots.
And bake all of your pickles according to your clay instructions.
Now grab your miniature glass jar.
And fill it with resin.
Arrange pickles inside using tweezers.
And finally attach a cork.
Now it should look like this.You want to wait until resin dries compeletly.
I'm using x-acto knife here to cut off cork excess.
I'm going to cut out square from piece of fabric.
Now you want to decorate top of the jar with piece of fabric and secure it with a piece of twine.
And voila!Pickle jar is ready!
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